Wednesday, May 14, 2008

these are a couple of things of what i wanted to show you. As you can see, the angle of the boats arent horizontal. this effect would make the pic more attractive beacuse it removes some bordom with the usual look and feel of a certain picture. just imagin if the picture was composed of boats that were all in horizontal and vertical. it would be more boring coz you usually see that in most pictures. The angles can add the objects that compose it attain some character or personality.
This is an example of a portrait photo which is uses the available light. when taking a picture using the avaiable light, it would be best if everything is toned down to preserve the moment of the take. the color tone would be preserved and so will the mood. you can achieve this by not enabling the flash and raise the shutter speed and appature but be careful not to raise if too high as it may very well make the picture too dark and thus the mood and the mood of the actual moment would not be taken.
this is a good example of the expression you can get while making use of the depth of field. it makes the rain drops stand out while blurring out the rest fot the picture :D i personally love making use of this technique because its easier to make what you want to show stand out alot more. although the sample here is of super macro, there are alot more ways as to how you can achieve that effect. it could be of people far away and make their backgrounds blur. a good tip is to move away from the subject and zoom in to it to make the background blur a little more. a little more but noticable :D
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